© Prospect Historical Society, 2013
The Village of Prospect
Prospect is a small village on
the western side of Prince
Edward County.
Once it had several general
stores, a farmers’ supply
store, a high school and
elementary school, a
cannery, two doctors, an
attorney, two hotels, a tavern,
and a railroad depot that
served the surrounding
agricultural area. This
community is rich in the history of agriculture, religion, education, and mercantilism.
As early as 1802, there is mention of a store operated by Robert Venable near the
community of Prospect.
Mail routes traveled through Prospect as early as 1826 with a route running from Prince
Edward Court House (Worsham) via Prospect to Concord once a week. In 1838 bids
were accepted for a four-and-one-half year mail route from 1839 to 1843 to run from
Farmville via Prospect, Walkers Church, Spout Spring, and Concord to Lynchburg, three
times a week.
In 1840, there were ten post offices listed in Prince Edward: Marble Hill, Sandy River
Church, Midway Inn, Farmville, Walkers Church, Prospect, Prince Edward Court House,
Burkeville, Jamestown, and Clover Hill. Trains carried the mail after the Richmond and
Danville Rail Road and South Side Rail Road were built through Prince Edward.
In the 1850’s, South Side Rail Road had water tanks at Marrowbone Creek between Rice
and Moran, at Farmville, at Tuggle, and at Prospect. Also since the fuel tenders were
small, at the same water-tank stations, the railroad had contracts with local people to
furnish wood, cut to the correct lengths. In 1897, Norfolk & Western maintained telegraph
offices at Moran, Rice, High Bridge, Farmville, Tuggle, Prospect, and Elam to stop trains
when there were others on the same tracks.
In the mid-1800’s, there are records referring to the extensive orchards with new varieties
of apples, pears, peaches, and grapes being developed in the Prospect area. Among the
farms mentioned were the following: George Gillespie of Falling Creek, Nancy Woodson
at Brooklyn, Stephen Harvey, James Venable at Forest Green, Mercer Blackwell, Henry J.
Venable, and Spring Hill Nursery of Venable and Garden.
Physicians who worked out of Prospect were Dr. Merrit B. Allen in the 1840’s and Dr.
Kearney, and Dr. Joseph F. Alsop in the early 1900’s.
In the post-Civil War era, Charles E. Glenn of Prospect operated a singing school for both
instruction and social affairs. In 1883, records show that Prospect had a graded school
with two teachers adn 42 students with M. R. Crawley as principal. In 1887-1888, J. P.
Glenn is listed as principal of a school near the community. County records show that in
1906-1907 Buffalo District planned to add a third room to the two-room school building in
Prospect and open a high school there. Citizens wanted to support the idea of district
high schools and formed the School Improvement League of Prospect with R. J. Carter as
president. Beginning with 1922 and for the next five years, all white one-two-three room
schools were consolidated into six district high schools - Farmville, Prospect, Darlington
Heights, Worsham, Green Bay, and Rice. In 1923, the Virginia General Assembly
authorized the Prince Edward School Board to borrow to build a school at Prospect. In
1924 that building was erected. In the fall of 1941, the county further consolidated its high
schools. Rice and Prospect went together with Farmville High School and Darlington
Heights consolidated with Worsham. The Prospect school building burned in 1946 and
was rebuilt, serving as an elementary school until the closing of the county schools in
The people of the Prospect area have had a strong religious community. Revival
preachers, such as the Rev. Samuel Harris and the Rev. John Early, provided the earliest
inspirations in the late 1700’s and early 1800’s. As early as 1773, the Appomattox Baptist
Church (Rocks) reconstituted in Prince Edward County at Peaks meetinghouse on land of
Richard Peaks, The Rev. John McLeroy was the first minister. In 1820, Prospect
Meetinghouse acquired land from Robert Venable. The trustees were Charles Venable,
William Johnson, David Anderson, Jesse Bradley, and Samuel Venable. The Methodist
Episcopal Church used this meetinghouse until it burned in 1860. The site of the church
is in the Prospect Cemetery. The present Methodist church was built in 1859. In 1869, a
group of African Methodist Episcopalians acquired land from William M. Jenkins a mile
west of Prospect Depot for the construction of a house of worship. Matthew Walthall was
the minister. In 1889, trustees of the church purchased land from John R. Wilson and W.
M. Gilliam for a parsonage and a church next to the railroad track. In 1909, E. S. Taylor,
W. R. Taylor, and Alma A. Taylor deeded land adjacent to the A. M. E. Church on which to
build the structure for St. James A. M. E. Church. In 1911, Davis Memorial Presbyterian
Church was organized. Land for the church was deeded from R. A. and Sudie H. Davis to
trustees A. C. Allen, W. S. Garden, and J. S. Moore. Glenn Memorial Baptist Church was
first built on land donated by Lucy W. Glenn. The was an outgrowth of the efforts of its
first pastor the Rev. C. Edward Burrell of Farmville. Some of its members came from
Matthews Church in Hixburg.
--complied by Edwina Covington
--source Bradshaw, Herbert Clarence, History of Prince Edward County, Virginia from its
Earliest Settlements through its Establishment in 1754 to its Bicentennial Year, 1955.
The Prospect Tavern was
operating in the late 1700’s.
In the early 1900’s it became
a private home. In the mid
1980’s it was dismantled,
moved, and restored in the
Historic Village of Noland in
Halifax County, Virginia.
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Prospect Volunteer
Fire Department
The Prospect Volunteer Fire
Department was organized in
1953. It has grown from 1 truck
to 8 trucks and 54 members.
Read more about the history of
the department.
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